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Survey Results

During the fall of 2021 The Springfield Police Department partnered with Portland State University (PSU) to develop a community survey intended to gather input about local law enforcement and public safety concerns. During December 2021 and January 2022 PSU conducted both a random sample survey and an open survey, soliciting input from the people of Springfield.  The results of the Springfield Oregon Public Safety Survey (2022) are included in the final report, now available on the Springfield Police Department web page.

You are invited to join the research team when they present survey findings on April 27, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Springfield Justice Center.

“We at SPD are encouraged by the helpful stakeholder input and the opportunity to enhance public safety services in ways that the community wants and expects.”  Chief of Police,  Andrew Shearer

Recommendations outlined in the survey report will be emphasized in future department goal and strategic planning efforts.

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Jessica Crawford, 541-744-4176,


Date: April 7, 2022

The post Springfield Public Safety Survey Results appeared first on City of Springfield Oregon.