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On December 27, Central Lane Communications Center (911) received a call from family of a man in his 70s. The family had not heard from the man in several days. CLCC dispatched officers to check his welfare. After they contacted neighbors and hospitals, gathered information, and thoroughly checked to ensure the man was at home, they were able to spot the man on the floor inside his home through a tiny hole in the blinds. He was moving slightly. 

Officers sprang into action with their breaching equipment, got into the home, quickly went into rendering emergency aid, and called for Eugene Springfield Fire. ESF took over treatment and transported the man to a local hospital. Officers arranged for the man’s elderly dog to go to Greenhill for safekeeping then reconstructed the man’s door jamb to secure the apartment. 

The call highlights the value of having breaching equipment and training in how and when to deploy it. The officers potentially saved the man’s life, since he is thought to have been completely immobile since December 26.

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