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In an example of the lifesaving work that goes on so many days during the year: Central Lane 911 received a call regarding an overdose at a downtown apartment at 5:27 p.m. on January 23. A mother reported her adult son had fallen in the bathroom and was and likely overdosing. His body was blocking the bathroom door, preventing access to any help. 

An EPD sergeant was nearby and immediately responded, pushed into the bathroom. He worked with the mom to get the door open and allow access to arriving officers. EPD officers moved the man to an area where he could be worked on and then one officer orchestrated the administration of Narcan and got an AED to the scene with the help of another. An officer performed CPR and two others got Narcan and treated the man. The officers’ continued efforts led to the patient being able to recover enough to speak with paramedics upon their arrival. 

Eugene Police employees continue to treat these calls professionally and with a drive to save lives. 

Based on the amount of Narcan purchased, EPD officers are potentially saving three people every four days.* 

Last year, Eugene Police equipped all 58 of Eugene Police Department’s shared use 24/7 patrol vehicles with automated external defibrillators (AEDs). The AEDs are deployed on average of about two times per month based on 2023 data.

*Exact information on Narcan administration is not available due to the system shared with ESF, which does not delineate between administrations. The statistics is based on the amount of Narcan purchased and estimates of usage at .75 doses per day. 

Original Article: Source