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Pendlerton City Council passes 2022-23 budget

PENDLETON — The Pendleton City Council at its meeting Tuesday, June 7, unanimously adopted the city’s fiscal year 2022-23 budget.

The total for all funds in the budget is almost $112.7 million, including more than $19.3 million in the general fund. Finance Director Linda Carter explained more than $102 million already is appropriated. The almost $10.6 million in reserve funds would have to be approved separately, should the city dip into them.

The adopting resolution approved without changes the budget committee’s FY 2022-23 proposal it recommended in May.

The adoption resolution imposes and categorizes the property taxes for the general and debt service funds. For 2022-23, taxes are imposed for the adopted budget at a rate of $6.5771 per $1,000 assessed value for the general fund and the amount of $548,617 for general obligation bonded debt.

Carter explained the city cannot legally expend any funds in the upcoming fiscal year until a budget is adopted and appropriations made.

The 2022-23 budget adds two police officers, appropriates funds to create additional housing as well as replace and improve water, sewer and road infrastructure.

The council also approved a supplemental budget for the remaining fiscal year and passed a resolution to receive state revenue sharing funds. The $200,000 thus obtained is to dedicated to public safety.

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