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The Eugene Police Department is seeking to identify the rightful owner of a collection of suspected stolen stones, consisting of a variety of agates, jade, citrine, tanzanite, opals, pearls, emeralds, sapphires, melee, malachite, and garnets. 

If you have information regarding the victim of this theft (ownership will be verified with a subsequent investigation), please contact Officer Sundquist, Eugene Police Department Street Crimes Unit, at 541-868-5096, regarding case 23-14505.

Street Crimes Unit is funded by Community Safety Payroll Tax. SCU partners with other services to help solve issues, maximize services, and meet community needs. The tax was passed to provide funds to support the Community Safety System. Funding will help provide faster, more efficient safety responses, deter crime, connect people to services, engage and help at-risk youth, support more investigations, and court services, and hold those who commit crimes accountable.

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