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The weather is heating up and so is warm-weather burglary activity

As the weather warms up, the frequency of burglaries rises. Criminals take advantage of people leaving their doors, windows, and garages open or unlocked. The Eugene Police Community Engagement Team has noticed more burglary reports coming in and offers some warnings and tips. 

Burglary is unlawfully entering a building to commit a crime  and it continues to be a big problem here in Eugene, with break-ins occurring on a daily basis citywide. Items typically stolen include laptops and other electronics, jewelry, cash and anything else that looks valuable. Lock those doors and windows, and install tracking software on your laptops.  

EPD Community Engagement Team offers these prevention tips:

Burglaries – The majority of burglaries in these areas occur during the day and where a door or window was left unsecured.  Lock all doors and windows, even if you are home. Don’t leave your garage door opener in your vehicle if you park on the street. Thieves can use it to gain entrance to your home.

  1. Inspect your property while thinking like a criminal—where would it be easy to break in, without being seen by neighbors? If you want help with this inspection, call the Eugene police crime prevention unit at 541-682-5137 and ask for a free home security inspection. An officer will call you back and set an appointment.
  2. Make improvements as necessary in terms of locks, lighting and landscaping.  All hinged exterior doors should be secured with deadbolt locks. Sliding doors and windows should be snug in their frames, with lift and slide protection features.
  3. Exterior lighting should be even, eliminating pockets of shadow, and making it easy for neighbors to see prowlers in your yard. Motion detection lights can help expose intruders. 
  4. Landscaping should be trimmed to eliminate hiding places near entry points, such as doors and windows. Trim bushes to no more than three feet high, trim lower branches off of tall trees, and/or plant thorny plants that discourage trespassers
  5. Arrange mutual aid with your neighbors, keeping an eye on each other’s properties while you are gone. Let them know where you will be vacationing, how to reach you, and/or who you expect to be visiting or house-sitting in your absence. Consider getting formally organized as a Neighborhood Watch. If you can get your neighbors together on a weeknight for a meeting, the Eugene Police Crime Prevention Unit will provide a presenter to run the meeting.
  6. Take photos, digital images or videotapes of your possessions, for ease of recovery and for insurance purposes. 
  7. Mark your property with your Oregon driver’s license or personal I.D. number: OR________DL, using an electronic engraver. 
  8. In addition to all of the above, alarm systems may be worth considering. 
  9. Neighbors, please be alert and call police for any behavior that appears suspicious.   For emergencies and crimes in progress call 9-1-1. To report suspicious activity or crimes that have already occurred that are not emergencies, please call the non-emergency line at 541.682.5111. 

If you’d like more detailed advice or have further questions, visit our website at or call the Eugene Police Crime Prevention Unit at 541-682-5137.

Original Article: Source