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Umatilla County commissioners approve Rock It quarry expansion

HERMISTON — Umatilla County commissioners at the Wednesday, June 1, board meeting approved a request to expand a Hermiston-area rock quarry.

Quarry owner Wade Aylett requested to expand a previously approved aggregate quarry, Rock It No. 2. He also asked to add the site to the Umatilla County Comprehensive Plan list of Goal 5 protected significant sites.

Broad statewide planning Goal 5 covers more than a dozen resources, including wildlife habitat, historic places and gravel mines. To protect and plan for them, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development asks local governments to create a number of inventories.

Aylett requested to apply an aggregate resource overlay zone to the entire quarry site, as well.

The property site consists of eight tax lots just southeast of the Interstate 82 and Interstate 84 interchange near Hermiston. The site covers approximately 140 acres, zoned Exclusive Farm Use.

No one spoke in opposition to the requests.

The Umatilla County Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the requests. All county commissioners voted in favor of Rock It No. 2’s application.

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